Five steps to produce interactive epub books for children

The following basic steps can be useful if you want to produce epub books for children:
  1. Download Calibre application and convert your book from pdf to epub format. Do not expect a nice result after conversion. It will be just a starting point from which you have to work on
  2. Download Sigil and open your epub book to clean it up, add images, text, etc.
  3. Learn how to zip/unzip epub files, work with xhtml files inside an epub, and zip it again.
  4. Add interactivity using JavaScript. For instance, tapping on any word from the text, the associated image fades in as a popup, tapping on the image again to dismiss it. Same effect with audios and videos.
  5. Add other EPUB3 and HTML5 functionalities. For instance, objects moving around when you change your iPad orientation, etc.